Healing with Garlic - The Powerful Gift of Garlic.

"Let food be your medicine and your medicine be your food. Each one of the substances in a person's diet, acts upon the body and changes it in some unique way, and upon these changes the whole life depends, whether in health, in sickness or convalescent."  

Hippocrates 2 000 years ago.

Healing with garlic pays homage to the fact that this smelly bulb type plant  has a rich and illustrious history as a healing food that has been used for centuries as a natural home remedy for dozens of different complaints.

Of all the herbs, this is probably the one most studied, and as we will see below, more than likely with good reason.

Welcome to our Home Remedies Haven where we are delving into the incredible Healing Benefits of Garlic.

For centuries garlic has been celebrated not only for its distinctive flavor, but also for its remarkable medicinal properties.

Packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, this humble bulb has been used in traditional medicine to promote overhaul overall well-being and combat various ailments.

What makes up the healing properties of Garlic?


  • Garlic contains Selenium and we only require a small amount of this essential trace mineral, but it is of critical importance as it is a major anti-oxidant. 
  • Selenium helps detox metals such as mercury and cadmium as well as other potentially carcinogenic substances, by binding with them to form compounds that are flushed out of the system.

Phenolic Acids

  • It contains compounds called phenolic compounds or polyphenols.
  • These are anti-oxidants, which help prevent free-radical damage to cells.
  • Phenolics also promote the production of an amino acid (if you are interested - called gluthathione) that is believed to be the body's most potent detoxifier.

Diallyl Sulphide

  • Studies have shown that these compounds can deactivate certain steroidal hormones that promote the growth of tumors.

  • They are also believed to help reduce blood pressure by improving the flow of blood and preventing the formation of blood clots.


Adenosine contained in garlic and onions is believed to be a smooth-muscle relaxant which helps increase blood vessel width.


  • Believed to be the most potent compound found in fresh garlic has anti-fungal and antibiotic properties.

  • Allicen has potent germ-killing powers and research has shown that it can kill microbes responsible for colds and flu, tummy virus's, and even yeast infections.

What Diseases does Garlic Treat?


  • Compounds found in garlic help suppress cholesterol production in the liver.


You have heard through the grapevine that this is the herb of choice,for lowering your high blood pressure and you want to know why?

Well, it is reputed to lower high blood pressure due to the adenosine compound found in garlic which acts as a smooth muscle relaxant allowing the blood vessels to dilate.


  • One of the scariest things in this world must be when you are told that you or one of your loved ones has cancer.
  • Check out the compounds contained in garlic, set out above, and see why healing with garlic has long had a reputation for been one of our most powerful allies in the ongoing fight against cancer.

Strengthens your Lungs to increase your Oxygen Levels.

  • And we learnt the hard way that the Covid Virus hit the lungs, resulting in reduced oxygen levels, and it was suggested that at that time we ate garlic to help strengthen the lungs against covid. 
Benefits of Figs

Colds and flu.

Garlic has well documented infection fighting properties, and should be used as a natural antibiotic to help fight colds and flu.

Healing with garlic and its potent germ killing powers have shown that it can be used as a home remedy for colds and flu and becomes a formidable force when taken with honey.

Can Garlic Kill a Virus?

  • Along with cancer, AIDS and now the corona virus these are probably the most frightening diagnoses one can be given by your doctor.
  • There is no concrete evidence in humans that the HIV virus (caused by aids) can be prevented, slowed down or stopped by food substances, but there are some intriguing possibilities that certain food compounds may help boost immune functioning.
  • Is there a  vaccine for the corona virus? Yes!
  • The virus is believed to be particularly dangerous for people with a weak immune system. We should all be using garlic as often as possible as the diallyl sulphones contained in garlic, are good for boosting the immune system, which they do by stimulating the body's natural defenses. 
  • The allicin (see list above) and its potent healing properties improves resistance to infection and fights bacteria like an anti-biotic.

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