Nail Fungus Remedies

"Let food be your medicine and your medicine be your food. Each one of the substances in a person's diet, acts upon the body and changes it in some unique way, and upon these changes the whole life depends, whether in health, in sickness or convalescent."  

Hippocrates 2 000 years ago.

Nail fungus remedies takes a good look at some genuine and simple ways to help get rid of this embarrassing fungus under the nails of your hands, your feet or both.

Fungal infections under the nails, medically known as paronychia may cause discoloration and swelling with the nails becoming raised from the nail bed.

Recurrent fungal infections (not just nail fungal infections) are a common sign of a depressed immune system.   People most likely to be affected are:

  • Diabetics
  • Cancer sufferers
  • People who are infected with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
  • Women who use contraceptives
  • People taking antibiotics
  • People who perspire heavily

What is the best Homemade Remedy for Toenail Fungus?

  • 50% White Distilled Vinegar
  • 50% pure water

Soak your nails in this mixture for 10 to 20 minutes per day.

The acid in vinegar (see uses for vinegar) relieves the itching. It also balances the Ph levels to help combat a fungal invasion.

Tea Tree Oil

  • Do not apply to your mouth and keep away from children.
  • Apply  a few drops of tea tree oil to the affected area.
  • It can irritate the skin, so first do a small test, and should that be the case then dilute with equal amounts of olive oil.
  • Tea Tree oil is a natural anti-fungal for external use that can kill some drug resistant fungi, including those that cause ringworm.

What is the best over the Counter Nail Fungus Treatment?

  • Wild Oragano Oil from your local health shop.
  • Apply a few drops to the affected area.

Wild Oragano is a powerful anti-fungal agent that has the ability to destroy even resistant forms of fungi.

Nail Fungus Remedy using Garlic.

  • And then of course our favorite, healing with garlic.
  • Amongst this miracle bulb's healing quality is that it is also one of the most powerful anti-fungal's in the natural world.
  • Garlic appears to stimulate the immune system cells called neutrophils and macrophages, which help the body fight infections.

  • Apply crushed garlic to the infected area, and wash it off after 30minutes.
  • Repeat twice a day if you can get away with it.


  • This herb, which is better known for its calming qualities can also be applied directly to the skin for fungal infections.
  • This is an age old remedy that goes back to the days of our forefathers.
  • All you have to do is to take a used tea bag of chamomile and apply to the affected parts as a poultice.
  • Repeat this 2 to 3 time a day.

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