"Let food be your medicine and your medicine be your food. Each one of the substances in a person's diet, acts upon the body and changes it in some unique way, and upon these changes the whole life depends, whether in health, in sickness or convalescent."  

Hippocrates 2 000 years ago.

      How to Whiten Teeth Naturally        

  • Here you are, looking for how to whiten teeth naturally because more than likely it suddenly struck you that while looking at your pearly whites in the mirror after brushing, you noticed that you could not really call them WHITE anymore.

No 1. Remedy on How to Whiten Teeth Naturally

  • Malic acid is an enzyme added to several whitening toothpastes, and yes, it occurs naturally in strawberries.
  • For all of us at Home Remedies Haven it was unanimously agreed that using strawberries is definitely the number 1. choice for helping to whiten teeth naturally.  And you don't have to guess why!

Strawberry Fields forever!
  • Wash the fruit and chew properly mashing the fruit juices well with your teeth, or if you wish cut the fruit in half and rub the flesh side along the teeth before chewing and eating.
  • Apparently the fibers present in strawberries act like an organic wiper, eliminating bad microorganisms present in the entire oral cavity.
  • Only drawback here is that you must brush your teeth right after your strawberry teeth bleaching session because the fruit also contains glucose and acids that might pose a risk of tooth decay.

Oil Pulling - Our No 2. Remedy on How to Whiten Teeth Naturally

  • This way of bleaching your teeth is called Oil Pulling and is a traditional Indian Folk remedy which has been passed down through the years.
  • You can use either olive, sesame or coconut oil for this procedure.  Take a spoonful of the oil into the mouth and swish around for 15 minutes without swallowing.   Do this every morning. It is considered not only to whiten teeth but also support gum health.
  • It's amazing how long 15 minutes take doing this procedure, so try combining it with something else, like watching the news on TV, washing the dishes etc.

No 3. Remedy for Whitening your Teeth using Carrots

  • The fibrous nature of carrots acts like a natural stain remover because it helps clean the surface and upsets any accumulation of plaque.
  • Carrots, we have been told are good for your eyes, but they are also very good for your teeth. 
  • They are rich in Vitamin C which helps prevent the occurrence of periodontal conditions such as gingivitis.

No 4. Whitening Teeth Remedy by always Drinking through a Straw

  • Tea, coffee, red wine, cocktails amongst others have the ability to stain our teeth.  One of the best ways to take this out of the equation is to enjoy your beverage using a straw.
  • Probably a laughing matter especially when one is sipping a 10 year old glass of red wine, but if you don't want stained teeth this is what you should be doing.

  • And for the sake of our planet keep away from using plastic straws!

No 5. Whitening Teeth with Baking Powder

  • It seems that baking soda is one of the most powerful, safest and cheapest whitening elements available on the market.
  • Make a paste of the powder and apply on top of your favorite toothpaste or brush your teeth with the paste only and then brush your teeth as you normally would.

No 6. Whitening Teeth with Charcoal Powder

  • Activated Charcoal is well known for teeth whitening and all you have to do is simply brush your teeth using the powder as a toothpaste.
  • All the black washes away leaving the teeth feeling cleaner, smoother and noticeably whiter

N0's 7, 8 & 9 Whitening Teeth Remedies

These are just the fundamentals of keeping your teeth white, most of them common sense, but worth a mention:

  • Stop smoking
  • Brush and Floss
  • Swish your mouth out with water after eating and drinking.

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